Announcement: Click here for Discussion Notes.
Each group will be assigned topic points to fill out each week by Jessi the TA, only do the ones you are assigned. For full participation credit, complete them by start of the next class please.
Readings for 1/23: Core- Schiavo-Campo and McFerson, Introduction and Chapter 1; Zakaria, Introduction and Chapter 1; Picard and Buss , Chapter 1-2 Picard and Buss Ch. 2 Picard and Buss Ch1; Lemann, pp. 3-58 ; Kafka “Bureaucracy,” in Green and Walzer, pp. 319-326; Degree Specific Assignments- Okrent (MPA) Prologue, Chapters 1-2; Scroggins (MID), Chapters 1-4; Razor and Bauman (MPIA) Forward, Chapter 1-2; or Wedel (MPPM) Preface
Readings for 1/30: Core-Schiavo-Campo and McFerson, Chapter 2; Lemann, pp. 59-107; Picard and Buss ch 3; Nadine Gordimer, “Africa Emergant,” in Solomon, pp. 36-51. (Reserve); James Thurber, “Greatest Man in the World,” in Archer and Bainbridge, Fools, pp. 138-146 (Reserve); Degree- Okrent (MPA) Chapter 3-6; Scroggins, (MID) Chapters 5-8; Razor and Bauman (MPIA) Chapter 3-4; Wedel (MPPM) Chapter 1
Readings for 2/6: Core: Schiavo-Campo and McFerson, Chapter 4; Lemann, pp. 109-202; Picard and Buss, Chapter 4; George Orwell, “The Unfree Leader-Shooting the Elephant” in Green and Walzer, pp.376-383 (Reserve); Degree- Okrent (MPA) Chapter 7-8; Scroggins (MID) Chapters 9-13; Razor and Bauman (MPIA) Chapter 5-6; Wedel (MPPM) Chapter 2
Readings for 2/13: Core– Schiavo-Campo and McFerson, Ch.16; Zakaria, Ch. 2; Picard and Buss, Ch.5; Lemann, pp. 203-305;In a Free State section, Naipaul, In a Free State, pp. 99-239 (For class, read ‘Tell Me Who to Kill’, pp. 54-98 (Reserve); Degree- Okrent (MPA) Chapter 9-10; Scroggins (MID) Chapters 14-17; R&B (MPIA) Chapter 7-8; Wedel (MPPM) Chapter 3
Readings for 2/20: Core- Schiavo-Campo and McFerson, Chapter 3; Picard and Buss, Chapter 6-7; Zakaria, Chapter 3; Lemann, pp. 309-339; Koenraad W. Swart, “The Sale of Public Offices,” in Heidenheimer, et. al., Chapter 7; Degree- Okrent (MPA) Chapter 11-12; Scroggins (MID) Chapters 18-22; Razor and Bauman (MPIA) Chapter 9-10; Wedel (MPPM) Chapter 4
Readings for 3/13: Core- Schiavo-Campo and McFerson, Chapter 8; Picard and Buss, Chapter 8-9; Lemann, pp. 343-353; Naipaul, In a Free State, pp. 99-239 (see above 2/20)(Reserve); Degree- Okrent (MPA) Chapter 13-14; Scroggins, (MID) Chapters 23-27; Razor and Bauman (MPIA) Chapter 11-14; Wedel (MPPM) Chapter 5
Readings for 3/20: Core- Zakaria, Chapter 4; Picard and Buss, Chapter 10-11; Woodrow Wilson, “Wilson ‘The Study of Administration’,” in Shafritz and Hyde, Classics of Public Administration, pp. 3-16 (Reserve); Irving R. Janis, “Janis ‘Group Think’” in Ott, pp. 223-232 (Reserve); Degree- Okrent (MPA) Chapter 15-18; Scroggins, (MID) Chapters 27-30; Razor and Bauman (MPIA) Chapter 15-20; Wedel (MPPM) Chapter 6
3/27: Organization, Socialization and Motivation (part 2)
4/3: Managing Budgets and Money: Core- Schiavo-Campo and McFerson, Chapter 6 and 7; Zakaria, Chapter 5; Picard and Buss, Chapter 12-14; Samuel P. Huntington, “Modernization and Corruption,” Heidenheimer, et al., Chapter 23 (Reserve); Degree- Okrent (MPA) Chapter 19-21 and Epilogue; Scroggins, Chapters 31-Epilogue; Razor and Bauman (MPIA) Chapter 22-24 plus Afterward; Wedel (MPPM) Chapter 7
4/10: Debates about development and Public Sector Reform: Core-Zakaria, Chapter 6; Schiavo-Campo and McFerson, Chapter 9; Picard and Moudoud, “The 2008 Guinea Conakry Coup “(Reserve); Mahasweta Devi, “Dhowli” Dhowli-Mahasweta Devi in Solomon, Other Voices, Other Rooms (Reserve)
4/17: Management of Contracts and Impact: Core- Schiavo-Campo and McFerson, Chapter 9-10; Duodu, “The Tax Dodger,” in Larson, African Short Stories, pp. 107-127 (Reserve)
Reminder: Attendance is part of your participation grade. If you cannot attend please send an email before class with the reason. Emergencies or illness are excused absences.
4/18 9pm Final changes to Discussion Points must be finished by all Groups for full participation credit; they will then be saved by the TA for content review and any final changes in expected testing content will be posted by 4/20 with new edits italicized; Final exam will include mostly content from second half of semester after midterm, with some pre-midterm questions included (hints given at Study Session on Sat)
4/22, Saturday, Final Study Session- 1-2pm, Rm 3911
4/24. FINAL EXAMINATION- If a student needs special accommodations for the test, please email the TA Jessi before 4/10 so that we may assist you
Grading Rubric Reference: Rubric 2020 2017