March 22, 1966 (5:30 PM)
A plane just landed at the airport. I ran out to see it land and go out of sight. Then I came back in and asked Stanley if he saw it. I glanced out the back door and saw it up on the runway. I ran and got the field glasses. I told Stanley to look. At first I was afraid that he wasn’t going to be able to find it. It started to move, and then suddenly he said, “Yes, yes! I can see!” He laughed like an excited young boy. I thought he might clap his hands.
Evalist just now came to the door with his corrected composition. It was really very much better. Maybe living with Hassan will be good for him.
Misty peed in the garage while looking me right in the eye. (Entire section FMP) [I had begun to tire of the diary by then; never was my thing I guess].
11:30 PM
I can’t believe it. We just whipped off 18 letters. There is nothing left in the letters owed file. Holy cow. [FMP]
P.S. The dogs have worms. Over and out. [FMP]
March 27, 1966
I’ve been quite negligent in writing so I’d better make up for it now.
Agakhan won 1st prize in the Science Fair. Jim [Wilson] has something to be proud of there. Quite an accomplishment when you consider they were competing with established schools like St. Henry’s and Masaka Senior Secondary. Ahmed Anwer, and Munir were the three winners.
We just discovered that Radio Addis Ababa sounds exactly like WJR, Detroit, at least for its English language broadcast.
Apparently, we heard it for the first time this morning. They’ve hired American expatriate Disk Jockeys. Perhaps it is an American owned station.
I think that Ethiopia like Liberia in West Africa is pretty much under U.S. influence. Their currency is based on the dollar system. Ethiopian style.
We went out to Lake Nabugobo yesterday, and for the first time since we arrived saw a lake, saw a wooden canoe, and spent the afternoon resting and reading. [It was said to be bilharzias free. I’m not sure that is the case but we used to swim in it.]
After this we went out to see Lake Victoria. Fantastic, it has to be seen to be believed. The shore is surrounded by lush tropical islands. We have pix of the birds we saw. Really tropical Africa as it is pictured in flicks. [All entries LAP]