March 17, 1966 This is the color of ink which passes for red in this town. Awful stuff. I thought we should have a record of it. [A sort of purple red; not that bad looking back at it]
Tonight the meaning of per capita income really hit me between the eyes. We asked Stanley how much money he made when he taught school (he taught P5) and he said that you get 10 bob a term for P1 – P3; 15 for P3 – P6; and 20 for P6 – P2. That means that he made $9.00 a year – and he did it for 4 years. He now makes something over $200.00. He is 34 years old, and he is building a wooden frame house with a concrete floor and a tin roof. He is probably easily the richest man in his village.
Immanuel Matunyi in Lou’s class told Lou today his father is a primary teacher. He makes 130/ a year. That’s $18.00 a year. Good grief. (FMP)
Hassan has offered to take us to his village – I can’t wait. We really are going to get to know some of these people. Hassan is just plain terrific. He’s more like a friend than a student. And yet he seems surprised when we are nice to him. He is very modest and a real worker.
Well tomorrow is Friday. We are astonished at how quickly the time passes. It seems like we just had a weekend yesterday. I wonder if the whole two years will go so quickly. (FMP).