January 23, 1966 (late morning)
Man! What a day yesterday was. I woke up with my cramps better, though not gone so I got up to make an apple pie. The crust took the better part of the morning, and it wasn’t completely cooked until noon. By that time it was raining very hard indeed. It was a real tropical rainstorm, and it lasted a long time.
It was still raining at 1:30 when we were ready to go to work in the library. We scratched that plan, and came back from Jim’s (that was as far towards the library as we had ventured) and it was so cold that Lou took a hot bath and I made brownies just to have an excuse to turn the oven on. Sue and Jim showed up for tea and the brownies were devoured forthwith.
We had invited Jim over to try out some of that steak for supper, so about six Lou and I walked down to get some beer to go with it. When we got back Stanley said that a pair of pants (longs he called them) were missing from the line, along with a shati. Norman had just been telling us during tea the other day what happens to thieves – they are beaten to death. Now – I don’t want anyone to be beaten to death over about ten dollar’s worth of clothes. Stanley went off briefly, but he came back and nothing was said. I heard no strange screams in the night.
The steak swept the pall of the thief away. Lou cooked it with his usual success, and listening to him show Stanley how to do it was like a cartoon before a good main feature. The pie followed hard upon – and no one could move after it was over. We sat and talked until two.
Lou has been bothered by a nasty, itchy heat rash and did not sleep well – he is still in bed. Today is a better day to sleep; it is cool, but not bitterly cold as it was yesterday. It must have been 40° last night. (and here we are, 30 miles south of the Equator.) FMP
January 24, 1966 (after lunch)
It got warm yesterday afternoon. Mr. Kerr and his wife came by to take us for a ride. We drove in a wide circle around Masaka and saw a lot of new things. We even got a little lost and ended up in the middle of a coffee plantation. It was really neat.
Today it is dark and cold and rainy again. My fingers are cold and I have on my fur lined slippers. I’m so grateful for that Christmas present! We’re supposed to go up and work on the library later on. I wish I had ski pants! (FMP)
We are now in the living room drinking coffee. It still seems funny to have someone picking up after you and serving you coffee and tea. Stanley works well and our only problem is one of communication. One thing that is hard to get used to is the variety of strange noises, esp. of bird and insect variety. A kind of Oh! Oh! OO, OO, OO, OO–. I can hear this right now.
So far mail has all been one way – outgoing hope to receive some in the next couple of days. Yesterday, I attempted to photograph some maps and pictures. Hope to show them to the kids. (LAP)