Dr. Louis A Picard

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February 3, 1966
The itch is going away. Gave S1’s first quiz. Did fairly well all things considered.

S1’s still is strange. Tried the book of the world out on them but I’m not sure they understood it.

The kid’s knowledge of common everyday things and world events is pitiful. Floyd Patterson and Cassius Clay is about their speed. LAP

Today was the day of the GREAT TUPPERWARE PARTY. Rashen Meraly invited me. I was reluctant and almost balked at the last minute, but it was worth it. I won a coffee measurer and was given a tomato slicer and a thing to hold curtains back. I also ordered some covered dishes and two pitchers.

Stanley makes great orange juice from oranges William brings around. William is that fellow who brings us eggs with real yokes and all sorts of good things from the market. The oranges are ten for a bob and they are very good diluted with water and with a little sugar added.

I handed out the old mimeographed bug sheet today. I don’t know how well they understood it, but at least it was something for them to look at. Gee I’m tired of just talking to them. Books I cry! [FMP]

February 8, 1966
This has been a long and difficult week and we are only three days into it.

Saturday, Stanley went off and I hung one on and didn’t get back for dinner. He arrived worse for wear Sunday evening.

In a related but unconnected development, Stanley got into hot water with neighbors (?) over a woman, or so they say. They were drunk Saturday evening and came over in a harassed us for a while about it.

On Sunday, they broke a window and dragged Stanley up, demanding that we fire him. That did it. We went to the police and reported them. They had disappeared when I returned.

Yesterday and today, though a lot of school work, we are getting into a pattern of living, though and are enjoying ourselves.

Had Vizzie Peirera over for tea yesterday. She is Goan and very friendly. Told us how she regretted Portugal’s forced exit from Goa. Much better under them she said.

We are having Norman Davies over for tea tomorrow and Bill Canby will be coming through tomorrow evening so things will be pretty hectic.

I’ve just finished readying 35 compositions and 15 makeup History Quizzes Ugh. (LAP)