Dr. Louis A Picard

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Chapter Three
First Days in Uganda

January 5, 1966
We arrive in Kampala. A different type of city. Nairobi is pretty colonial. In fact very colonial. While Uganda as a whole depends much more on the U.K. than Kenya (Not sure why I said that) the city lacks much of the British (I suppose I meant Western) flavor. A clean and pretty down town, but not tourist.

Up early. Flew by East African Airways to Entebbe. Then traveled by bus to Kampala. One thing colonial in Kampala, the Silver Springs Hotel. Where we are staying. Very nice for us though. Everything including a bar and swimming pool, two miles out of town however. Still very tired. Fione went swimming; I went into town after the brief meeting, bought some things, and got lost.

Out for a great dinner and then decided to go into town to see “Mary Poppins.” Second class seats, great fun. [My taste in films was pretty basic in 1966.] Then to bed. We even used the nets. (LAP).

January 6, 1966
Meetings from 10 to 3, following second struggle (one yesterday) at the bank. Received Sh. 2,824 between us, bought travelers checks with most of it.

Postings announced at noon. We go to Aga Khan day school in Masaka. Seems like a great break. Both Bill [2] and Jim Rusk raved about it.

[William C. Canby Jr. was the Director of the Peace Corps in 1966 and he later went on to serve as a Federal Judge in the United States Court of Appeals, for the Ninth District, Phoenix, Arizona. Rusk was the Associate Director who had served as a volunteer in Sierra Leone].

Know little about the school itself. We hope to find out more about it later.

Met Ambassador Deming in the afternoon. (Olcott Hawthorne Deming). Interesting but nothing new. Then we went into town to do some bargaining. I did well. Bought a basket purse. This morning we are trying to write and rest. (FMP). [Demming was a career diplomat, died in 2007. Click here for his obituary.]

Meetings from 10 to 3. Following a second struggle at the bank (one yesterday). Received 2,824 Shillings (about 7 to a dollar I think) between us and bought travelers checks with most of it.