Fred and Phil worked together and separately in the 1890s. Phil worked with James Duval (who’s real name was James Murphy), a contortionist. Rather than bars, they performed on a revolving ladder on the stage in Vaudeville.
In 1899, the Picard Brothers were featured in the Forepaugh & Sells Brothers Circus with 3 famous Saginaw clowns, Fred Jenks, George Bickel, and Harry Watson. (Information provided by the Central Michigan University Circus Project). They had their start at Saginaw’s Boardwell Opera House in the early 1890s.
Phil Picard fell, badly broke his leg in a fall in 1901 and again in 1903 and died of the infected wound in 1912. Phil’s accident was notes by the Ringling Brothers. The following comes from the from Ringling Brothers Route Book diary on June 28, 1901. On June 28 the circus arrived in Flint, Mich. by the Grand Trunk Railway. the Trip was only 66 miles. According to the account they arrived early. “Good lot about a mile from town. Weather very hot. The streets are being re-paved here and the parade has to take a somewhat rambling route. Jules Turnour leaves for Chicago, to attend the bedside of his wife, who is dangerously ill and in the hospital there. Lew Sunlin and wife, Baby Jinks and Phil Picard are among the visitors. Phil. met with a serious misfortune last season in breaking a limb, and may never again be able to resume work. His many friends gave him a warm welcome. There is a wonderful fellow feeling among “show folks” in times of affliction. The reference is to Phil badly breaking his leg in a fall. He would never perform again and an infection from the leg would eventually kill him.
Forepaugh & Sells Brothers Circus poster
Advertisement for Alex Picard around the turn of the century.
Flyer advertising James Dorval and Phil Picard, comedy acrobats, circa 1896. The flyer is from Madison Square Garden in New York City.