October 7. Gallop New Mexico The thought for the day: “Five different kinds of weather in thirty minutes. Sun, rain, hail sleet and snow. Gave only one show and that at nite.”
October 9. Flagstaff, Arizona This city is right in the heart of the mountains. While there I went to see the residences of the Cliff Dwellers, long since passed away. They are wonderful houses built in a solid mountain of rock. It is called Walnut Canyon and is the place where a big part of the motion picture “Riders of the Purple Stage) was taken. It is a wonderful sight of Nature.
October 15 Nogales, Arizona Right on the border of Mexico. You can stand one foot in U.S. and one foot in Mexico. You can drink beer and whiskey right in front of a U.S. officer and he can’t do a think, that is if you are across the line in Mexico. Ate in the Cave Café, a restaurant hewn out of a mountain. A wonderful place to eat and drink. The beer certainly was fine. Ask anybody in the Hagenbeck and Wallace dressing room. After you crossed the line [into Mexico], it was just like stepping into a country, far from civilization. I’ll never forget it.
1926 to 1928 were Vince’s last two years on the road.
Out with the Boys, Vaughn, New Mexico, September 1924
A legal bar (during Prohibition in the U.S.), Juarez, Mexico, 1924
Mexico was really different for these 1920s Americans. Drinking wasn't the only think that was legal. Here we see men living up at the booths for ladies in Nogales, Mexico.