Dr. Louis A Picard

Page 17 of 23

September 17, 1924
“I had two calons (severe calluses) torn off my both hands; they bothered my quite a bit when working.” [The picture shows calons from performing].

September 18, 1924
Charley Eugene just came in the dressing room after losing all his salary in a crap game. The only comment he made was “its hell to be broke” and him not knowing or thinking he would lose it. Bob his brother coaxed him out of sending for money.

Written this day, September 18, 1924 at Paola, Kansas on the Hagenbeck and Wallace Circus, Season of ’24. “All of these people, I call a friend. If they are not I’ll know in the end.” No doubt a bit lonely on a Fall Day in Kansas.

Lanny Defore
Miss Marion Theobold
Miss Jane Stewart
Miss Marion Eddy
Miss Marie Neagely
Art Arnold
Jim Penoyar
Miss Margaret Penoyar
George Green
Harvey Papp
Paul Smith
Pete Brown
“Corney” Schremns
“Chuck” Dorr
“And last but not least, my old bunch of Fraternity Pals!”

The Hagenbeck and Wallace Circus, 1924
“Inside the Big Top”

October 4, 1924
Hagenbeck and Wallace Circus Amarillo Texas.
Got in here at ten o’clock this Saturday morning. No parade and the matinee started at four thirty. All the performers had to help put up the big top. This takes all the joy out of Life.