Dr. Louis A Picard

“A Few Stickers on a Few Sticks” — Vaudeville and the Circus History

Click here for the full story of “A Few Stickers on a Few Sticks”

“Vaudeville and the Circus History. Alex and his brothers Fred, Phil and Joe Picard performed at various times in the late 19th and early 20th century, mostly with Ringling Brothers. Fred performed the longest, from 1895 to his death in 1921. Alex’s son Vincent Picard performed with his partner Joe Masker from 1918-1928. Alex Frank Picard also performed, wrote and maintained a close relationship with show business friends throughout life. Frank Picard, II also performed in live theater and on Television. Pat Picard (who works professionally performing at Sea World), Sandy Picard, Jim Picard and Patricia Picard Campbell currently perform, write or direct professionally carrying on a family tradition.In the next generation Adrienne Adrienne Campbell-Holt has acted, written and directed professionally in New York and California. Parts of that story are told here and while focus is on those no longer with us stories of the next generations of Picards will also be included.. The Web Site for the e-book in progress “A Few Stickers on a Few Sticks” is http://drlouisapicard.wordpress.com/a-few-stickers-on-a-few-sticks-2/ The following film: “1949 COLE BROTHERS CIRCUS FILM “CIRCUS DAY IN OUR TOWN” provides good images of the circus during the first half of the twentieth Century. https://archive.org/details/50844EBFilmsCircusDayInOurTown”

From “A few stickers on a few sticks”. Posted by Louis A. Picard on 6/13/2009 (106 items)

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